Thursday, August 25, 2011


Time is drawing closer!

I really like the response on the FGB 6 sign up. Y'all are going to have a great time and really see some awesome athletes.

Just to remind y'all, I need to have your waivers and registration fee by Saturday..
The reason for this is so the organizers can make up the rosters for the heats and order the t-shirts..

So please get those two things into me or give them to one of the coaches..

Thanks, Ken

On another note, Coach Megan has been working very hard on putting the nutritian challenge together. She has done a great job and we will be starting very soon. There will be some good prizes, so stay tooned!

Thanks Megan!

1 comment:

Jurica said...

the challenge should start after labor day weekend, anything before would be crazy!