Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday WOD


30 KB Swings
25 Wall Balls
20 Pull ups

Great work today from both the 6 & 7 am classes. The humidity is really up and so is the temp. So make sure you are drinking enough water and bringing water to the box for your workout.

Mitch thanks for bringing an out of town guest. Lara you did awesome today, hope you can take some of that back to PA and put it into your workout.

You have until the end of April to submit your t-shirt design..We have two members that have submitted work. Both have great ideas..At the end of the month we will put the designs out for display. There will be a voting sheet on the counter and each member will vote on their favorite design.

And remember today is a special day, your beloved trainer "BRENT" is celebrating his birthday today. So make sure you let him know that you know..


Unknown said...

does he have to do the "birthday workout"

Anonymous said...

of course he does. but that is a mini warm up for him.