Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wednesday 10-5-11 WOD


deadlift x 15
hang power clean x 12
front squat x 9
push jerk x 6

For review, here is the push jerk broken down into steps according to the Crossfit Journal.
The Push Jerk:
a. Set-up: The set-up is the same as for the shoulder press and push press.
b. Dip: The dip is identical to the push press
c. Drive: The drive is identical to the push press
d. Press and Dip: This time instead of just pressing, you press and dip a second time simultaneously, catching the bar in a partial squat with the arms fully extended overhead.
e. Finish: Stand or squat to fully erect with bar directly overhead identical to terminal position in push press and shoulder press.

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