Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thursday 9-8-11 WOD

For time...
Power clean x 15
30 dips
power clean x 12
24 dips
power clean x 9
18 dips
power clean x 6
12 dips
power clean x 3
6 dips

Remember...the power clean consists of 2 pulls.
1st Pull...Pull the barbell from the floor to your knees. The 1st pull is similar to a Deadlift and is a slow movement.
2nd Pull... Pull the barbell from your mid-thighs to your shoulders by extending your hips. The 2nd pull is an explosive movement
Benefits of a power clean...
Power Development- You achieve higher speeds faster. More power and more speed means more strength.
Muscle Development- Power Cleans work your posterior chain hard: calves, hamstrings, glutes & lower back but also upper-back & traps.

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