Monday, September 26, 2011

Tuesday 9-27-11 WOD


135 # squat clean x 7
15 HSPU (handstand push-ups)
20 sit ups

This is what Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit Inc., says about the handstand push-up.

"The handstand push-up is a challenging exercise that, when freed from the wall, becomes an extraordinary feat of strength and balance that has no peer in weightlifting movements. At the moment of performing twenty handstand push-ups without benefit of the wall, the athlete has achieved a level of strength and balance that not one in a hundred thousand gym goers will ever realize. The integration of strength and balance gives the handstand push-up, even though limited to bodyweight, an athletic edge that brings this movement to at least peer status with even the heaviest of presses – whether bench, overhead, or jerk. Twenty handstand push-ups in the middle of the room or on parallel bars, again without the wall, confers, automatically, a single-rep military press of perhaps 150% bodyweight, whereas a 150% bodyweight single-rep military press suggests little or nothing about an athlete’s balance."

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