Thursday, October 6, 2011

Friday 10-7-11 WOD

Let's finish off the work week strong!!

20 min AMRAP

200 m run
kb swings x 12
pull ups x 10

Great job this morning athletes! Must give a big high five to Rhonda in the early bird class! She did all her pull ups without assistance! Way to go Rhonda!! Keep up the good work guys and have a great weekend! Don't forget there is a class at 9 am tomorrow (Saturday)!


Rhonda said...

Thank you Laura! When I woke up today I wasn't sure if I had the flu, or got hit by a train....then remembered I did 60 pullups w/o bands....:)
Is there early bird class on Monday?

Anonymous said...

Yes!! There will be all classes on Monday! See you then!