Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, 10-04-2010

Good Morning Everyone, Hope y'all enjoyed the weekend and took advantage of the awesome weather.

Todays WOD:

One of our favorite girls:


20 min amrap

5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats

This is a really good workout. To get the most out of these workouts you have to push yourself. To make improvements you need to push yourself hard. It is going to get uncomfortable, but you CAN work through it. Remember we have all been there. This is were the good stuff happens.

Early Birds- Carol, Lauren, Laura, Susan, Patti, Becky, Michelle, Chach, Matt, Cliff, Dan, Daphne, Carrie. Nice to meet you Cliff, Daphne, Matt and Dan.

Mid-Morning- Greg, Jourdon, Naomi, Donniece and Bruce

There are more great workouts to come.

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