Monday, January 31, 2011

Tuesday the 1st Wod

10 RFT

10 squats
10 kb swings
10 box jumps

squats will be in the racks 155lb for male 75lb for female.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Saturday the 29th Wod


Handstand walk the length of the gym and back.



400m Run
50 squats

In order to start the workout you first have to do the handstand walk after completion the wod will begin.

sorry meg. we might let you get away with this one.

Great job this morning. We had a guest from Comal CrossFit (Jason), very nice to meet you. We also had Lori and Leah at the class this morning participating and checking it out. Y'all were awesome. The rest of you guys as usual were putting it down and picking it up.

Estevan and Eileen came in at 9 for their baseline. They worked very hard and were able to get a taste of CrossFit. They liked it and signed up for the month. Brent and I look forward to training with y'all.

This a Good Read.

10 Tips For Success For The Crossfit Newbie
By larrypalazzolo, on January 27th, 2011
Stepping into a Crossfit gym for the first time can be a bit intimidating and overwhelming.
You might see a bunch of half-naked hard bodies showing off their ink and abs, ripping out butterfly kip after butterfly kip. You might ask yourself, “Is that person having a seizure or doing pull-ups? What’s with all the Chuck Taylors? Do they get a group rate? What’s with the guy in the corner wearing only sweatpants, shirt off, all tatted up and muttering to himself? Is he on a work-release program?” Fear not newbie; these people won’t bite. They’re actually pretty darn friendly and overly supportive once you get to know them. It can be a lot to take in at first glance, especially if you’ve had limited exposure to Crossfit prior to stepping into a box. But don’t worry; we’ve got your back. The following are 10 things to keep in mind as you begin your Crossfit journey.

1.) You’re Competing Against Yourself, Not Others
When it comes time to throw down in a wod, don’t feel like you have to do everything RX’d or be able to complete 20 rounds of Cindy right off the bat. Go at your own pace. Let the intensity find you. You need a solid foundation of strength and flexibility in order to progress into more demanding workouts. Start light, get your form down, and don’t worry about the mother of three who is deadlifting 250 as you struggle with the bar. Chase your own capacity before chasing the person next to you. Which brings me to my next point…

2.) Don’t Be Too Proud To Scale
Sing it with me now:

Ain’t too proud to scale, sweet darling.
Please don’t leave the wod. Don’t you go.
Ain’t too proud to scale, baby baby.
Please don’t leave the wod. Don’t you go.

Tony Budding (of Crossfit HQ) describes scaling as another form of programming. Scaling is such an individualized topic that it’s hard to make sweeping generalized statements. You have to know your own body and its limits. But most importantly, there’s no substitute for common sense.

3.) What You Eat Is More Important Than What You Lift
Nutrition is the key to every aspect of your life. It affects your energy levels, your recovery, and your overall defense against disease. To quote the late Jack Lalanne, “You put junk in, junk comes out. You put good in, good comes out.” When you’re first starting out, the quality of your food is far more important than the quantity. Call it whatever you want: Paleo, Primal, Hunter-Gatherer, Pretentious D-Bag Diet; just eat clean. If you’re eating as clean as possible, you don’t even need to worry about the quantity. You are a Ferrari. You wouldn’t put regular unleaded fuel in a Ferrari, would you?

4.) Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Clarification, Over and Over and Over Again
It’s your time, money, and most importantly, health. If you don’t fully understand something, ask. If you still don’t get it, ask again. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if you don’t fully grasp the concept, or you think others in the class will get frustrated with you for taking up too much time. We were all newbies at one point. We’ve all been there. Learning the mechanics of certain movements like the kip, squat, deadlift, or any of the olympic lifts takes lots of practice and critique from a trained eye. If you need help, just ask.

5.) Crossfit Isn’t Everything
Crossfit is a strength and conditioning program that focuses on building general physical preparedness (GPP). It is quickly evolving into a sport of its own, but that doesn’t mean that it has to be your sport or your lifeblood. I Crossfit so that I can do whatever I want: Go out, play sports, learn new things. Having that GPP allows me to take on new challenges. Crossfit is not my life. I Crossfit so that I can have a life…and be awesome at it.

6.) It Doesn’t Get Easier, It Just Sucks Less
The longer you immerse yourself in the suck, the less it sucks. You get stronger, build a greater aerobic capacity, and become mentally tough. All of these aspects, combined with experience, allow you to know when to push yourself and when to back off, so that you can attack each workout to the best of your ability. Soon, you’ll come to love the beatdowns. Much like Kevin Bacon in Animal House, you’ll be screaming, “Thank you sir! May I have another?” Well, maybe not. But you get the point.

7.) You Won’t PR Every Day
Don’t mistake intensity for hard work. Even if you’re having a bad day and the intensity just isn’t there, you can still get a lot out of your time in the gym through hard work. Intensity and hard work are not the same thing. Don’t skip a planned session just because you don’t think you’re going to kill it and leave everything out on the table. Not feeling too strong that day? That’s fine; scale the weights and/or rounds or time domain back. Something is better than nothing.

8.) Have Fun
Let’s face it, some of the workouts are not fun. Frankly, some of them just plain suck. I’m looking at you, Hero wods. But when it’s over, you feel a sense of accomplishment and maybe a little queasy. You shouldn’t be pissed that you didn’t get as many reps as the person next to you. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Smile. Laugh. Introduce yourself to people you don’t know. If you’re not having fun, why are you here? Do you enjoy your overall time spent at the gym? Do you enjoy the people, the community, the knowledge and support that it provides? If so, then don’t be too concerned with your competitive nature until you have a strong grasp on the 9 Foundational Movements.

The things you’ll learn in a Crossfit gym are fun: gymnastics, olympic lifts, new swear words (see: Mary Martin). You can’t do this stuff in a globo gym. The attitude is different too; no one is going to get in your face and cheer you on as you knock out those last five minutes on the elliptical. And the feeling you’ll have the first time you get an unassisted dead hang pull-up or full squat snatch is an amazing sense of power and accomplishment.

9.) You Are All Firebreathers
The term “Firebreather” comes from Crossfit legend and bad ass Greg Amundson, and he defines it as such:

Firebreather –Fie-r-bre’-th-er: (n) 1. One who faces the triumphs and tribulations of great physical opposition with an indomitable spirit. 2. An optimistic energy associated with the heart of an athlete.

You don’t have to be an “elite” Crossfitter to embody the essence of a true Firebreather. It’s not your Fran time, it’s the spirit you bring to Fran that makes you a Firebreather. Don’t forget that.

10.) Respect Rest and Recovery
Too many newbies (and even those of us who have been doing this a while) get caught up in overtraining. Don’t be afraid to schedule in a deload day once per week, or a deload week every 4-6 weeks where you cut the weight, rounds, and intensity in half. You have to think about this from a longevity standpoint. If you’re killing yourself every time you step foot in the gym, week after week, month after month, year after year, you’re going to eventually break down. You need to respect your time outside of the gym. There’s an old weightlifting adage that goes something like: “You don’t get bigger and stronger from lifting weights, you get bigger and stronger from recovering from lifting weights.”

Proper nutrition, hydration and sleep all play their part in recovery, but you also need to listen to your body. If you continuously beat yourself down, you’re going to get hurt, injured or worse. Stay on top of your mobility work. If you haven’t done so yet, pay a daily visit to Kelly Starrett’s MobilityWOD. The information there is invaluable.

So, what now? You’ve signed up for the Elements class. You’re about to start eating like a caveman. And your vocabulary will soon include words like burpee, thruster, and snatch. Welcome to Crossfit Delaware Valley. Have you tried the Kool-Aid? Don’t worry, it’s Paleo.

Friday the 28th Wod


30 wallballs
6 clean and jerks

rxd 135 for the c and j's and 20lbs for the wallballs.

I would like to thank the members from Comal CrossFit, that came to Wod at our box while they move into a new one. Tommy says he has a great crew and I can see why. Keep up the good work and come back any time.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thursday the 27th Wod


100m run
8 Turkish Get Ups/ each arm
16 Box Jumps

Our friends from Comal CrossFit will be coming by for a workout at 10am and 630pm. Make them feel welcome. Keep up the good work.


Is this Richard Simmons or Chach?

Bruce doing his birthday burpees and loving every minute of it..

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wednesday the 26th Wod

Amrap 20 min.

100m run
kb swings x 12
pull ups x 10

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tuesday the 25th Wod

400m run
21 push press
400m run
18 push press
400m run
15 push pree
400m run
12 push press

Rxd 115 male
Rxd 75 female

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Monday the 24th Wod


100' walking lunge
50 squats
25 back extm

Saturday, January 22, 2011

So how are you doing on the challenge? I hope everyone is doing great! We know that people are extremely busy now a days, and getting a good breakfast in might seem daunting sometime. We have come up with some quick and easy ways to get your day started fast!

Mini egg quiche
18 eggs
6oz diced ham
1cup of chopped mushrooms
1cup of tomatoes
2/3cup of chopped onion
4cups of shredded spinach
2 cupcake pans
Mrs. Dash seasoning

Pre-heat the oven to 350F. Mix all of the veggies in a bowl chopped, or use a food processor. When mixed together, then add to the eggs and ham. Add the shredded spinach to the mix.
Spray the cupcake pans with non-stick spray. Spoon a 1/4cup of the mix into each cupcake hole in the pans. Place in the oven and cook for 20 minutes.

Paleo pancakes
3/4cup of apple sauce
1/4cup of almond butter
4 eggs
1tsp Vanilla extract
1tsp of cinnamon
1Tbs of Coconut oil

Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl. Use a flat skillet pan to cook the pancakes. Heat the pan with coconut oil, then pour 1oz of the mix to make one pancake. Not to worry, they will expand and become a little larger. Cook on both sides for 3 to 4 minutes and viola! You have yourself a tasty little cake. This mix will make 16 pancakes. Per pancake you will have. Top will some yummy fresh fruit, or make a compote with blueberries.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Saturday the 20th Wod


DL x 15
Hang Power Clean x 12
Front Squat x 9
Push press x 6

Rxd 135#

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Friday the 21st Wod

25 dips
2 min jump rope
25 dips
2 min jump rope
25 push ups
2 min jump rope
25 push ups
2 min jump rope
25 pull ups
2 min jump rope
25 pull ups

Crossfit in South Sudan

Does anyone recognize these crossfitters?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thursday the 20th Wod

20 min. AMRAP

5 Mountain Climbers
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
15 Abmat Sit Ups

Some new videos have been posted on our facebook.

Great work this morning:
Julie @ 10 lb had 20 rounds
Michelle @ 10 lb had 18
Laura @ 10 lb had 16
Andrew @ 10 lb had 15
Rob S. @ 25 lb had 13
Rob N. @ 25 lb had 12
Carol F. @ 10 lb had 12
Aurura @ 5 lb had 8

The Challenge

For y'all that have been keeping up with the challenge, great job. If you have been cheating, you are not giving this an opportunity to work. Remember it is only 30 days..If you type in paleo receipes on the internet, there are lots of food resources. If you need to talk about how the challenge is going, give myself or Brent a call..

Todays WOD:


pull ups
kb swings

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tuesday the 18th Wod


3 min Handstand hold
If you come of the wall before your 3 minutes are up perform 20 hollow rocks everytime. Then get back to the wall and complete your 3 min. 1 min rest between rounds.

The Challenge

Y'all don't forget to take your beginning photo for the challenge. The other thing I want to remind y'all is that your buy in for the challenge is $20.00..

Some video is posted on the blog showing Saturdays challenge WOD. I do want y'all to know that the form will be strictly regulated at the 30 day WOD. So please be working on the form for those exercises...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Monday the 17th Wod


400m Run
DL x 12 reps

Rxd 225#

Challenge has Begun

Good to see so many smiling faces Saturday morning eager to start this challenge. Hopefully the first day wasn't as tough as you thought. You guys did awesome on the wod. I suggest making all your meals on Sunday and by making I mean grilling or baking all your meat and cutting all your veggies and putting them into baggies. The more convenient and easier you make it the easier it will be to follow the program.

Challenge wod from hillcountrycrossfit on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Friday the 14th Wod

400m Run
50 Sit Ups
400m Run
40 Sit Ups
400m Run
30 Sit Ups
400m Run
20 Sit Ups
400m Run
10 Sit Ups

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thursday the 13th Wod


Push Jerk

Rxd 95#

Yesterdays wod was a long interval run, this wod should be a sprint. Thanks to everyone who braved the cold and did the run wod, the benefits will be noticed. We train the 3 energy levels short,mid, and long. Keep up the good work guys. One last thing I see a lot of b-day burpees coming up.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wednesday the 12th Wod

1600m Run
3 Min. Rest
1200m Run
2 Min. Rest
800m Run
1 Min. Rest
400m Run

Don't forget about the challenge that starts this weekend. So be at the Box on Saturday at 8:00 am. I can't wait to see what the results.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tuesday the 11th Wod

Amrap 20 min.

Hang Squat Clean x 12
Pull Ups x 7

Rxd 65#

The hang squat clean is a great lift to learn. It really makes you speed up the hips on the beginning of the pull. Once you practice it more the movement will become more fluid and you will be able to increase the weight. Leah, you did very well today. In a few months you are going to be pleasantly surprised.

I also want to welcome Suzanne and Nate. Y'all did a great job today. I know y'all are going to really like this program.

Everyone needs to remember that all these movements are functional movements and they build off of each other. So always pay attention to form over speed. The speed will come with proper form.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The 30 Day Challenge

The 30 day challenge is going to start on Saturday January 15th.( Please be at the Box on January 15th at 8 am so we can get the weights, body fat calculations and WOD done) This is very exciting because it is our first challenge and we anticipating great results from everyone participating. We will be be following the Whole30 plan. You can look up the whole30 at:

There will be a winners in both the women's and men's categories. The buy in is $20.00 a head. The participants will receive a t-shirt. The participants will:

1. Take a beginning photo (women in sport bra and fitted shorts, men in just shorts)you can hold onto this photo or give it to Brent or I and well will put it in a safe place.

2. Body Fat Analysis

3. There will be a beginning test WOD for time:

-Body weight deadlift 10 reps
-1000 m row
-50 air squats
-40 sit ups
-30 push ups
This will be repeated at the end of the challenge.

4. Brent and I will vote on the top two in each category, then the participants will vote on the winner out of those two.

5. The top women's and men's athlete will receive a winners t-shirt and prize.

Please look up the website and start researching the plan. If you have any questions Brent and I will answer them.

6. The challenge ends Sunday the 13th of February..

more info to come......

Monday the 10th Wod

400m Run
15 Wallballs
7 Burpees

Early Birds: Laura, Lauren, Carol C., Jen, Rob N., Chris, Susan and April.. nice turn out. y'all did a great job on the WOD.

Morning: Carol F.,Rex, Bruce, Sheryl, Courtney, Michelle and Naomi...way to push yourselves and each other..Naomi, nice shoes and yes I think you are faster now..

Friday, January 7, 2011

Saturday the 8th Wod


400m Run
Thruster x 21

Rxd male 95#
Rxd female 65#

keep pushing yourself.

I heard there was some trash talking the night before this WOD. Chach and Mitch did a great job pushing each other. Laura, Naomi and Grace awesome effort.

Chach and Mitch did the RX, and finished with the same time. So it seems we will have to have a rematch to see who can talk trash.

Rachel, it is good to see you. Nice work on the C2, 5000m is a great workout.

Aurora, thanks for coming in and you did very well on the baseline. We look forward to seeing you in the box.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Friday the 7th Wod


Burpee Box Jumps.
Knees to Elbows

Carol C., Lauren, Laura, Rob N., Megan, Aaron nice work this morning.

Bruce, Sheryl, Naomi, Michelle and Carol Farmer way to push yourselves and the ones around you.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thursady the 6th wod

'Grace'. Clean & Jerk 30 Reps. Rx'd 135# male and 95# female

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wednesday the 5th Wod

600m Run
10 Pull Ups 20 Push Ups 30 Situps
400m Run
15 Pull Ups 25 Push Ups 35 Situps
200m Run
20 Pull Ups 30 Push Ups 40 Situps

Dress for the weather. Keep up the hard work.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Tuesday the 4th WOD

3 RFT.

500m Row.
30 Box Jumps.
30 KB Swings

Great work today on this wod. All three classes really were working hard. It was very nice to meet Leah, your baseline went great. Judy and Nicolette, I can see y'all are going to be quick studies.

I will have "The Challenge" sign up at the box tomorrow.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Monday the 3rd WOD.

7 RFT.
SDHP X 10. Ring Dips X 10

Fridays WOD

25 min time limit

"running Cindy" 5 rds

1 round of Cindy
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats,

then run to the gate and back.

2 rounds of Cindy
run to the gate and back.

3 rounds of Cindy
run to the gate and back

4 rounds of Cindy
run to the gate and back

5 rounds of Cindy
run to the gate and back

That's it....