Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday, 08-31-2010

Todays WOD:

20 min amrap

200m run, do it backwards (yes, backwards)
10 burpees
15 kettle bell swings

Great work this morning. Let me know how y'all feel later on in the day from those 200m runs. Carol, Lauren, Tanya, Carrie P., Susan, Patti, Megan, Katie, Andrew, Julie and Rob.

Check out this article:

Monday, August 30, 2010


Mobility is a huge part of CrossFit and life in general. This website will be huge in your success and advancement in the movements of crossfit. I highly recommend checking this page out daily and doing the work. Let me know if it is helping.


Hill Country CrossFit from hillcountrycrossfit on Vimeo.


400m run


jumping pull ups
push ups
hollow rocks

400m run

Awesome work guys, good job by all.

Hill Country CrossFit from hillcountrycrossfit on Vimeo.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday, 08-28-2010


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps per exercise

Handstand Push Ups (HSPU)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (SDHP)

finish with 500 jump ropes

Y'all worked hard this morning, Thank you. The three lifts we went over after class, Press, Push Press and Push Jerk are a big part of what we do in CrossFit. Mastering these three lifts will help you to increase your speed and strength while doing the WODS containing these exercises.

Donniece, Rob, Susan, Naomi, Michelle, Meagan and Carrie

Friday, August 27, 2010


Buy in:

3 weighted tire sled drags forward there and backwards back



Wall Ball Burpees

Awesome job by everybody, welcome Rob and Julie.

hill country crossfit from hillcountrycrossfit on Vimeo.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday, 08-26-2010

Todays WOD:

5 rds

50 jump ups
40 air squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 pull ups

Nice work this morning. Fun was had by all. Travis, I tried to get some Nora Jones on for ya. Katie you did very well for your first time. Megan you were not rolling around on the floor afterwards like your other half? See y'all Next time.

Carol=21:47, Lauren=23:24, Travis=24:08, Megan=25:20, Katie=25:35, Andrew=28:36

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday, 08-25-2010

Todays WOD:

5 rds

400m run (4 laps)
10 thrusters
5 pull ups

The box was a beehive of activity this morning. It was good to see all the smiling faces. The early birds, Carol, Lauren, Tanya, Susan, Patti, Michelle, Becky, Chach, Andrew, Laura and Angel. Laura thanks for bringing Angel in to check out the box.

Monday, August 23, 2010


I heard from Daniel Brennan, Daniel worked out at the box this summer. He just finished Officer Candidate School. He wanted to let us know that he ran a perfect combat fitness test and a 17:40 three mile run. He wanted to drop a line and tell of his success and say thanks for all the help in preparing him for the Schools PT. Great work Dan and keep us posted as to your whereabouts if you can. Take care and we look forward to hearing from ya.

Monday, 08-23-2010

Todays WOD: Back to School

20 min


1 min at each station, rotate to the next section, continuous clock

Jump rope

1st day of school, time to get back on schedule. Great job this morning in both the Early Bird and Morning classes. Michelle,Becky, Greg, Jordan and Jeff welcome to the box. I think y'all are going to love the crossfit workout. Just remember intensity is the key to success. We will post keep you posted on where the WOD is for Saturday.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pics pf Today's WOD

Just wanted to say awesome job today. Every saturday at 8am we are going to start and do workouts around town, free of charge. Check the website for upcoming community workouts and there locations. Pictures and video from this mornings wod will be posted soon so check back. Have a great weekend.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday, 08-20-2010

Todays WOD:

20 pullups, then

14 min AMRAP

weighted overhead lunges

finish with, Tabata air squats, push ups!

Early birds, Rob, Patti, Chach and Michelle: 1st off, welcome Michelle, we enjoyed having you. Great job this morning, the intensity was right on.

Morning Crew, Donniece, Carol, Lauren and Carrie: another great effort out of y'all. Make sure y'all are drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day.

You will be sore.

Thursday, 08-19-2010

Todays WOD:


Continuous clock, 1 min at each station, after 1 min rotate to the next station, 1 min rest between rounds, 4 rounds

wall ball
box jumps
rope whips

Good workout! Those rope whips really hit the shoalders.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010



walkouts w/ push ups
hollow rocks

hill country crossfit from hillcountrycrossfit on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday, 08-17-2010

Todays WOD:

20 min amrap;

300m row
7 burpees
14 kettle bell swings

Rob, Travis and Lauren, good workout this morning. Travis let me know if you liked the cool down music. Lauren was walking wounded from sit ups yesterday. Those of you that have not had a padded mat know what I talking about.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday, 08-16-2010

Todays WOD:

20 min amrap

10 push ups
20 sit ups
30 airsquats

Early Birds: Patti and Bernadette, y'all did a great job pushing your way through that workout.

Morning crew: Laruen, Tanya, Naomi, Amy, Carrie and Chach. Nice way to start the week.

Bernadette and Chach, thanks for coming out and giving Hill Country CrossFit a try. Hope y'all enjoyed it and we'll see ya again.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday, 08-14-2010

Batter Up! Time for some baseball.

length of the game is 20 min., count how many runs you score.

1st base=10 leap ups
2nd base=20 kettle bell swings
3rd base=30 med ball throws
home = 40 jump rope

Here are some pictures from todays game.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday, 08-13-2010

Todays WOD:

6 am & 10 am

6 rds: 14 wallball
10 walking lunges, dumbbell overhead right arm
7 burpees
10 walking lunges, dumbbell overhead left arm

Patti, Susan, Rob and Carol. Welcome back Patti and Susan, that is a great video. Nice job doing this mornings WOD.

7 am

20 min amrap

5 pushups*
10 air squats
15 knees to chest
20 box jumps

Kirby, Charlie, Kyle, Donniece, Carrie, Tanya, Lauren, excellent work today. That was alot of effort for 20 minutes.

Susan and Patti CrossFit Uganda

Click here to view Susan and Patti doing a crossfit workout in Uganda.

Thursday WOD

6 rounds

14 wall balls
left arm dumbbell overhead lunge 10 steps
7 burpees
right arm dumbbell overhead lunge 10 steps

Good Job guys that was a pretty tough wod.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday, 08-11-2010

Todays WOD:


100 pull ups
100 sit ups
100 push ups
100 air squats

Rob and Andrew, nice job pushing through that one. Lauren, Tanya, Carrie, Naomi and Kyle, that was a tough one.This WOD really shows how difficult it is to stay in form on some of the most basic exercises of crossFit. See y'all tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday, 08-10-10

Todays WOD:

20 min amrap

500m row
10 deadlift
15 pass throughs

Lauren and Travis, y'all had a great workout this morning. Remember, to pay attention to form, this is more important than speed.

On another note, we starting a once a week sign up sheet for the classes. This way we can prepare for the class and the number of people. The sign up is on the board at the box. So when you get to the box, check it out. The other thing is, we have now put in a 10 am class on Fridays and a 8 am on Saturdays. We are trying to accommodate our athletes.

Monday, August 9, 2010


The number one question is… “WHAT SHOULD I EAT” ??!! Like we have said before, the more we learn, the more we realize how much there is to learn! What we do know is this – you can only trust yourself. The food industry spends billions of dollars in advertising – they are concerned about making a profit, not making us healthy. We hope this information we’ve put together for you will be your guide to help lead you on your way to achieving your FIT BODY!

Fit Body Food Rules – Summed up as simply as we can for you:
Eat a variety of fresh, whole foods in small frequent meals to fuel your body throughout the day. Ideally these 5-7 small meals (according to your fitness goal/nutritional needs) will include:

Moderate amounts of lean meat, fish, seafood, eggs
All of the non starchy vegetables you can eat Plenty of fruit
Moderate amounts of healthy fats
Moderate amounts of nuts and seeds
Whole grains (before or after workouts/activity or at breakfast)
Few legumes (peanut butter is a legume – try almond butter)
Few dairy products (eggs are meat)
No processed foods – make it yourself!
No sugars. Agave, organic honey, molasses, pure spun golden sunshine….it doesn’t matter. They are all equally bad for you. Moderate amounts once in a while is ok:)
No artificial sweeteners. These are not food! These are laboratory products with unknown safety records. Artificial sweeteners have been shown to produce an insulin response.

Many different kinds of meat will work well for you. Here are some guidelines:
Animals, including fish, raised in commercial farms are not healthy so try to get grass fed beef, USDA certified organic meat, wild fish, locally raised animals.
If unable to do any of the above, then eat the leanest cuts you can and trim visible fat.
Eggs are good. Eggs from birds allowed to forage and run around are better.
Buffalo, elk, venison, ostrich and other types of wild game are excellent choices if you can get them.


Non starchy vegetables (all vegetables except corn, peas, potatoes, and a few others) should be a big part of each meal. Virtually all vegetables offer excellent nutritional value. Veggies are loaded with phytounutrients and also help your body to be in an alkaline balance.
When possible choose organic, locally grown vegetables that are in season. Each of these factors will improve nutritional value.
Experiment with sautéing, roasting and grilling your veggies. Try different recipes and different ethnic foods. Learn to use herbs and spices. Veggies can taste good!
Peppers, squashes, eggplant, garlic, leeks, onions broccoli, cauliflower, avocado, carrots, greens, cabbage, celery, kale, spinach, tomatoes, radish, parsnips, mushrooms….mmm!
When you eat starchy foods (before/after a workout/activity is ideal) try yams and sweet potatoes.
Avoid legumes. Peanuts, beans, peas, lentils and soybeans should be avoided – these are starchy and acidic-and a lot of times GMO (genetically modified organism -check out our link…scary stuff)!

Fruit has a lot of nutritional benefits. However, fruit is also a source of sugar. Try to eat lower glycemic fruits – especially those that you also eat the peel/skin.
Some fruits like bananas, pineapple, and watermelon have a high glycemic load. High glycemic fruits should be eaten before/after workouts/activity or in the morning (talk to us more about nutrient timing for your body).
You should consider how the fruit was grown as well as the type of fruit to evaluate nutritional value. You’ll also need to consider pesticide exposure.
If you can grow your own fruit or pick wild fruit – go for it!
Buy at local farmers markets for fresh seasonal fruit. Organic is best.
Try to avoid fruit from far away. Flying in kiwis from New Zealand is not really helping our health.
Avoid GMO fruit.
A little fruit juice (diluted with water) occasionally can be okay but, fruit juice is really candy…fruit juice is sugar.
Wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly to minimize pesticides.
Berries! Eat lots of berries! They are great for heart health and high in antioxidants! Exercise is great for you; however, it does produce free radicals. Berries are a great source of post workout nutrition to attack those free radicals.

Nutrition that satisfies – a great snack choice!
Nuts and seeds are packed with protein, fatty acids, enzymes, antioxidants and lots of vitamins and minerals, especially potassium and magnesium. It is possible to mess up your fat profile with nuts though. A lot of nuts have an unacceptably high omega 6 / omega 3 ratio.

Here are better choices: Almonds, Walnuts, Macadamia Nuts, Pecans.
Nuts in moderation are very healthy, but overeating them can stall weight loss. Cashews are delicious but surprisingly high in carbohydrate and contain too much omega 6. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing.
Peanuts are not nuts. Do not eat peanuts or peanut butter. Peanuts contain lectins and other anti-nutrients which can cause health problems.
A lot of packaged, shelled nuts are covered in trans fats! Read the label! It’s best to buy raw, unsalted nuts and spice them at home. When in doubt, buy raw almonds, walnuts and/or macadamia nuts.


Fat is good for you. Fat is essential to your well being and happiness. Having the proper fat profile makes a huge difference to your mental outlook and moods. Fat is a great source of energy. Fat triggers our sense of being full. Fat is an essential part of many of your cellular and hormonal processes.
However….there are many bad fats in our food supply.
Fat from healthy animals is good for you! Chicken, duck, goose, lamb, beef and pork fat can all be eaten and is an excellent choice for cooking because of heat stability. Lard is internal fat from around the kidneys. Lard from naturally (not grain) fed pork and beef is a very good choice. Lard from grass fed animals is hard to find though, so butter can be used instead.
Butter contains milk solids and water as well as fat. Butter from grass fed cows is very good for cooking and enhancing the flavor of steamed vegetables.
Coconut oil is good for you and a good choice for cooking because of its heat stability. Choose organic, cold processed coconut oil. It’s also great for your skin!
Olive oil is very healthy. Go for the extra virgin, cold pressed and use liberally. Olive oil does not have great heat stability so use something else for high heat frying.
Flaxseed oil is very good but…it should not be heated at all and oxidizes rapidly. Store flaxseed oil in the refrigerator and use quickly.
Avocado is the nectar of the gods and should be eaten regularly.
Fats to Avoid:
Trans Fats – fats damaged by heat. Trans fats can be extremely destructive to our health. Trans fats can be made at home!! Start with a healthy, unrefined oil, naturally high in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids – apply excessive heat and presto! Health wrecking trans fats. Use butter, chicken stock, or coconut oil for cooking.
Hydrogenated and/or partially hydrogenated oils. Terrible! That’s just another sneaky way to hide the words Trans Fats from the average label reading consumer.
Canola – should be avoided. Canola has a very good omega 6/ Omega 3 ratio. However, to be used commercially it has been genetically modified, highly refined, partially hydrogenated and deodorized. Yikes! This is the main ingredient in most salad dressings.
Margarine – see trans fats and/or plastics…hmm???
Peanut, cottonseed, soybean and wheat germ oils…Not good!

As you’ll find out when shopping for these healthy foods – you’ll find most of them at your local farmers’ markets, or around the perimeter of the grocery store. You’ll save time (and possibly $$$) when you shop for these foods and avoid the fancy cartoon character labels! When grocery shopping, the less ingredients, packaging/labels the better.

Fitness goals and wellness can only be achieved with a healthy, real food diet. There aren’t any fad diets out there that will work (for a lifetime) and keep your body healthy from the inside out. 70% of diseases can be prevented by what we choose to eat and drink. 80% of your results for your fitness goals will be determined by how you fuel your body.
Eat to live, don’t live to eat!

Nutritional Information and Summary courtesy of Robb Wolf

hill country crossfit from hillcountrycrossfit on Vimeo.

hill country crossfit from hillcountrycrossfit on Vimeo.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Higher Calling

Susan and Patti are in Uganda doing medical work for underprivileged people just want to let them know that we are praying for there safe return.

Friday, August 6, 2010


7 Rounds

100 Jump Ropes
10 Pistols (each leg)
15 KB swings

hill country crossfit from hillcountrycrossfit on Vimeo.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday 08-04-2010


400m run or row to start

5 rds:

5 push press
10 front squats
15 pull ups

400m run or row to finish

Great job this morning. Amy, welcome, it does get easier in some ways. Carol and Rob were my early birds and they were throwing the weight around. Donniece, Lauren, Tanya and Amy, good form and way to go. How did y'all like those Tabata air squats to finish it off? Amy drink plenty of fluids and do some more stretching throughout the day.

Tuesday 08-03-2010


400 m run or row to start

15-9-21 reps

wallball 2 for 1
kettle bell

400 m run or row to finish

How did y'all like the wallball? Takes a little practice.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday 08-02-2010


20 min amrap

20 situps
20 box jumps (14" or 20")
20 Press (20lb, 25lb, 30lb)

Good mornng everyone, Hope y'all had a great weekend. This morings crew did a great job on the WOD. The press was pretty taxing but you got through it. You know the workout is going well when your mind is telling you to stop, but you keep pushing, until its over.