Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday, 08-31-2010

Todays WOD:

20 min amrap

200m run, do it backwards (yes, backwards)
10 burpees
15 kettle bell swings

Great work this morning. Let me know how y'all feel later on in the day from those 200m runs. Carol, Lauren, Tanya, Carrie P., Susan, Patti, Megan, Katie, Andrew, Julie and Rob.

Check out this article:

1 comment:

Katie said...

Thanks for the workout Ken! I'm sorry I had to leave early! Don't want you to think I was being a slacker, just have to get kids on the bus and get ready for work! But, I'm loving how I feel afterwards! My hubby talked to Brent and I think we are going to do the 2 day/week. Looking forward to it!
Oh, and that running backwards business is for the birds! ;-)