Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday WOD


150 WALL BALLS for time!
M=20 lb, W=10 lb

This is a benchmark for the white board..

Very good showing today for "KAREN". I could see the fear in some of y'alls eyes, but you faced it and kicked it out of the box. Y'all all did great work today. This kind of workout keeps the ordinary athletes out of the box and lets the CrossFit athletes bask in the sunshine of accomplishment. Yes you did and don't forget it..This workout and others like it also let us know we are on a journey to be in the best shape of our lives, and HCCF is going to help you get there...

Congrats to everyone today. If you missed today, don't worry because y'all can make it up this coming week. Have a great weekend...

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