Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mondays WOD

5 rounds for time (RFT)

5 thrusters M 135 lb, W 95 lb
400m run

Y'all did a great job today.. Just remember to concentrate on your form especially when the weight gets heavy. Good form will get you through the exercise. I notice a lot of people still dropping their elbows and leaning forward when doing thrusters. Remember you want to place the bar on a shelf created by your shoulders. This can only be done by keeping your elbows high, don't let them drop. This allows you to use your hips to drive the bar up and finish the movement with your arms. If you don't rest the bar on that shelf, then you cant get the power from your hips to drive the bar up. All the power that comes from a thruster is generated by your hips, not your arms. Creating that shelf is difficult at first, but as soon as you realize how well this works it becomes easier.

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