Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturday WOD

This WOD was spur of the moment. Is was good to see ya'll. If you were not able to make it, don't worry because we are going to start some free Saturday morning skill sessions for the members soon. This is to learn and practice the different crossFit exercises.

As for the WOD, ya'll worked great at pushing through that one. It was hard, but you know what, you did it. That was a great way to kick off the weekend. That type of wod will make its way back very soon.

500m, then hit the next exercise, then take a lap (75 yrds)between exercises, just one round.

20 reps each of
-Kettle Bell swings
-hanging knees to chest
-push press
-box jumps
-Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
-front squats
-air squats

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