Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday, 10-12-2010

Todays WOD: "Deck of Cards" Hearts= Dead lift Spades= Kettle Bell Swings Diamonds= Knees to chest/Toes to bar Clubs= Sumo Deadlift High Pulls face cards = 10 reps # on card = # of reps Ace= 15 burpees Joker= Doubles next card Draw a card, if a two fo hearts, then you do two deadlifts and draw another card. Keep going until the deck is done. I have to tell ya. y'alls form was great this morning, I did not have to correct to many faults. Keep up the good work. I found out today Chach is a big Janet Jackson fan, Thats Ms. Jackson if your nasty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Janet is the lesser Jackson. She is dumb!