Thursday, December 29, 2011

Friday 12-30-11 wod

50 pull ups
200 air squats
75 hand release push ups

That's it! Get ready for some Friday fun!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Thursday 12-29-11 wod

3 rft

800 m run
20 K2C
15 DL body weight

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Monday, December 26, 2011

Tuesday 12-27-11 WOD


Squat cleans 95/65#
Double unders or tuck jumps
Pull ups
Hand release push ups

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Monday 12-26-11 WOD


power cleans 135/95#
bar facing burpees
pull ups

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Friday 12-23-11 wod

7 rft

15 kb swings
15 power cleans. 95/65#
15 box jumps


There will be no class on Saturday December 24th. Enjoy the weekend with your family and be ready to hit it hard on Monday the day after Christmas!!! Merry Christmas from your Hill Country CrossFit staff!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thursday 12-22-11 WOD


800 m run
10 burpee pull ups
15 kb swings
20 jumping lunges

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wednesday 12-21-11 WOD


100 double unders or 300 singles
25 thrusters 45#

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tuesday 12-20-11 WOD

15 min AMRAP

200m run
7 wall balls
7 box jumps

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Monday 12-19-11 WOD


20 burpees
20 kb swings
20 tuck jumps

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Friday 12-16-11 WOD

15 min AMRAP Team WOD

1 person rows 250 m while another does burpees and the last team member does wall balls. You rotate once the team member is done on the rowing machine!
Keep a running tally of the burpees and wall balls!
See you tomorrow for some Friday fun!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


We'll have a reminder put up at the box sometime today about the Christmas Party but I wanted to update everyone!

For those of you that already have childcare taken care of- AWESOME!! Come and enjoy a night out!
But if you can't find a sitter then feel free to bring the kiddos! Bring them in their PJ's to watch The Polar Express and eat yummy POPCORN!!!

The party starts at 6 p.m. -- We will have some appetizers and desserts, coffee punch and water! Feel free to bring a snack to share as well and BYOB!!!!!

Don't forget that prizes will be given for BEST DRESSED MALE AND FEMALE!!!

We are all looking forward to spending time with you guys outside the regular routine!! Hope to see you all there!

Thursday 12-15-11 WOD


DL (deadlifts) 185/135#
box jumps
ab mat sit ups

Tomorrow's 9am class will start right at 9am! There will not be a warm up exercise or strength portion at the 9 am class tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wednesday 12-14-11 WOD


hand release push ups
kb swings
hollow rocks
box jumps

Monday, December 12, 2011

Tuesday 12-13-11 WOD

10 RFT

8 thrusters 95/65#
8 pull ups
8 med ball push ups

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Monday 12-12-11 WOD


OHS (overhead squats) 95/65#
box jumps
ball slams

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Friday 12-9-11 WOD

Let's finish off the week strong!!


1 min box jumps
1 min ring push ups
1 min kb SDHP
1 min toes to bar
1 min rest

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thursday 12-8-11 WOD

4 RFT (rounds for time)

400 m run
30 box lunges (15 each leg)
20 kb swings
10 push ups - dive bomber style

Bundle up in the's gonna be chilly!!


Don't forget the CHRISTMAS Party is
NEXT FRIDAY, December 16th at 6 p.m. at THE BOX!!
Be sure to wear the most TACKY CHRISTMAS SWEATER you can find!! We want you decked out from head to toe!!! Remember- prizes will be given to BEST DRESSED MALE and FEMALE!

ADULTS ONLY this time!!- Find a babysitter and enjoy a night out!!
Come celebrate Christmas with your Hill Country CrossFit family!!

Appetizers and Desserts will be provided- Feel free to bring something to share as well!!

** Bring whatever drink you would like to enjoy for the evening!!**
Hope to see you all there... !!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wednesday 12-7-11 WOD


back squats 135/95#
box jumps
sit ups

Monday, December 5, 2011

Tuesday 12-6-11 WOD

thrusters 115/85#
hand release push ups

400 m run

wall balls
pull ups

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Monday 12-5-11 WOD

7 RFT (rounds for time)

7 pull ups
14 burpees
21 squats

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Friday 12-2-11 WOD


15 plyometric push ups
20 box jumps
400 m run

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thursday 12-1-11 WOD

Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes...

3 power cleans 115/85#
3 hang squat cleans
3 push press

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wednesday 11-30-11 WOD


kb swings
pull ups
OHS 45#

Don't forget BYOB...bring your own buddy!! Make sure they get their baseline done so they can start Thursday December 1st!! Contact any of the coaches to get this set up! We can't wait to meet new athletes and get them drinking the kool aid!! :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tuesday 11-29-11 WOD



400 m run
21 kb swings
12 pull ups

If you haven't already...come and check out the new box!! It looks awesome!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Monday 11-28-11 WOD


hollow rocks
power cleans 95/65#

Don't forget we are now in our NEW BOX!!! The new address is
37131 IH 10 West #200
Boerne, TX 78006

Saturday, November 26, 2011


It's that time of year AGAIN!
Come and celebrate CHRISTMAS with your HCCF family on Friday December 16th at 6:00 p.m.!

Pull out those AWESOME Christmas sweaters with the puff paint poinsettias, jingling reindeer, and sparkly snowmen! We want you decked out from head to toe!

Prizes will be given for BEST DRESSED male and female
Appetizers and Desserts will be provided- Feel free to bring your favorite snack to share as well!

Bring your friends, family, and whatever drink you'd like to enjoy for the evening! We are looking forward to spending time with everyone outside of our typical routines!! We hope you will come and get to know your fellow members and your coaches better.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Saturday wod and moving party

We hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving day with family and friends! Don't forget to come work off all those carbs on Saturday at 9am!! We will have a wod and then it's moving time!!! We hope to see you all there!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wednesday 11-23-11 WOD

20 min AMRAP

10 push press 115/75#
10 kb swings
10 box jumps

Monday, November 21, 2011

Important Info!!

There will NOT be any classes this Thursday November 24th and Friday November 25th! Enjoy Thanksgiving with your family and be ready for Saturday because... there will be a killer WOD and then a moving party!!! Yes, the time has come when we will be moving to our new box!!! It is awesome and we can't wait for you athletes to come and check it out!! So come and workout at 9am on Saturday and join us after the WOD as we move the equipment over to the new place!! We need all the help we can get so come show off those muscles!! Guarenteed fun!!
And...starting next Monday November 28th we will officially be at the new box!! There is a ton more room and a super cool pull up bar!! See you there and thanks in advance for your help!!

Tuesday 11-22-11 WOD


SDHP 95/65#
thrusters 95/65#
pull ups

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Monday 11-21-11 WOD


800 m run
30 OHS 65/45#
21 pull ups

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thanksgiving Feast Tomorrow Night!!

The Thanksgiving feast will be tomorrow (Saturday) night at 5 pm at the new box! Come check out the new place and be ready for great food and fellowship with all the trainers and fellow athletes!! The address for the new box is
37131 IH 10 West #200
Boerne, Texas 78006

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Friday 11-18-11 WOD


400 m run
12 ring push ups
21 wall balls

Anybody sore from the 200 lunges we did today (Thursday)?? Make sure you stretch and drink plenty of water after these work outs!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thursday 11-17-11 WOD


walking lunge forward
push ups
walking lunge backwards
sit ups

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wednesday 11-16-11 WOD


deadlifts 135/95#
box jumps
kb swings
hollow rocks

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tuesday 11-15-11 WOD


front squats 135/85#
toes to bar

Don't forget to sign up for the Thanksgiving feast on Saturday November 19th! It will be a lot of fun and a great opportunity to get to know each other better!! This is what seperates Hill Country CrossFit from any other gym in the area...we believe in building strong relationships and strong bonds through fitness and fellowship!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Monday 11-14-11 WOD


400 m run
12 push press
12 box jumps

Friday, November 11, 2011

Rock 'n' Roll Marathon

Good luck to all our athletes running this weekend in the rock 'n' roll marathon!!! We know you will do a great job and we are so proud of all your hard work!! We're cheering you all the way to the finish line!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Friday 11-11-11 WOD


15 pistols left leg
10 K2E (knees to elbows)
15 pistols right leg
20 push ups

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thursday 11-10-11 WOD

12 min AMRAP

12 power cleans
6 push press
3 tuck jumps

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wednesday 11-9-11 WOD


10 FS (front squats) 155/115#
10 burpees
10 pull ups

Thanksgiving Get-Together!

Come out and celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with us on Saturday, November 19th at 5:00 p.m. !!
Bring a friend, your spouse, and the kids to enjoy dinner and spend some time with everyone. We will provide the turkey and sides- bring whatever you'd like to drink and if you'd like to bring an appetizer or dessert you are more than welcome to!

NO WOD this time guys!! (I know for some of you that's quite a disappointment that we won't get to see Patti take on another team WOD with her Lady Gaga hair!)

There will be more information at THE BOX later in the week as well as a sign up sheet if you think you are going to be able to come. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tuesday 11-8-11 WOD

4 RFT (rounds for time)

20 kb swings
30 push ups
40 squats
200 m run

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Monday 11-7-11 WOD


10 deadlifts 275/185#
20 pull ups
400 m run

I was blown away by all the athletes that came through the box this morning!! We had 36 athletes in the morning classes today!! Everyone had a great attitude and encouraged each other! I am so proud to be a member of this box!!! Great job guys!! Keep up the good work!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Friday 11-4-11 WOD

15 min AMRAP

15 wall balls
15 med ball push ups
15 med ball cleans
200 m run with your med ball

Bundle's gonna be chilly in the morning!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thursday 11-3-11 WOD

100 thrusters 65/45#

every 2 minutes do 5 burpees

Giddy up!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wednesday 11-2-11 WOD


10 power cleans
10 burpees
10 K2E (knees to elbows)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Tuesday 11-1-11 WOD


21 sdhp
50m farmers carry
10 walkout push ups
50m farmers carry

Don't forget to pay your membership dues the 1st of the month. Thanks!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Just a reminder that we will not be having the 5:30 or 6:30 pm classes tomorrow night!! Have fun Trick-or-Treating everyone and have a happy and safe Halloween!!

CONGRATS to Lady Gaga and The Scarecrow for winning BEST COSTUME AWARD tonight!!!! Thanks to everyone who came out and we missed those of you couldn't come!!!!

Monday 10-31-11 WOD

50 pull ups
400 m run
thrusters x 21
800 m run
thrusters x 21
400 m run
50 pull ups

Don't forget there WILL NOT be evening classes on Halloween! So make sure you come in the morning!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sunday Superhero WOD at 6pm

Don't forget the Superhero WOD and party on Sunday at 6pm!!! Bring a friend and the kids...there will be childcare provided! Come dressed up and ready to workout and have fun! Prizes will be given out for best dressed male and female! Don't forget to bring your favorite paleo treat to share! It will be a ton of fun for the whole family!! See you Sunday at 6 pm!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Friday 10-28-11 WOD

20 min AMRAP

K2E (knees to elbows) x 8
turkish get ups x 16 (8 each arm)
box jumps x 24

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thursday 10-27-11 WOD

Get ready for this one!!

5 pullups
10 push ups
15 air squats
200 m run
21 kb swings
12 pull ups
400 m run
75 wall ball
400 m run
12 pull ups
21 kb swings
200 m run
15 air squats
10 push ups
5 pull ups

That's it!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wednesday 10-26-11 WOD

Deck of Cards - 30 min CAP

hearts - burpees
spades - push ups
clubs - air squats
diamonds - mountain climbers
aces - 400 m run

Monday, October 24, 2011

Nate gets 375# DeadLift!

AWESOME job today, NATE for staying after the 9am class and working on you max Dead Lift! -- His previous DL max was 325#... today he got 375#!!!

Tuesday 10-25-11 WOD

10 RFT

front squat x 10
pull ups x 10
200 m run

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Monday 10-24-11 WOD

800 m run

box jumps

800 m run

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Friday 10-21-11 WOD


wall balls
hand release push ups

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thursday 10-20-11


hang squat clean x 18
pull ups x 18
turkish get ups x 10 (5 each arm)
HSPU x 10

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wednesday 10-19-11 WOD

20 min AMRAP

200 m run holding plate (45#/25#)
burpee box jumps x 20
side to side with plate x 20

Birthday Burpees

If anyone sees coach Megan be sure and wish her a happy birthday!! Hope you had a great day yesterday Megan! Thanks for all your encouragement and hard work at the box!! And don't forget your birthday burpees!! :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Tuesday 10-18-11 WOD


SDHP (with a kb) x 20
Mountain climbers x 80 (yes, that's right, 80:)
Jumping lunges x 10

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Monday 10-17-11 WOD


push press
box jumps
hollow rocks

Friday, October 14, 2011


Everyone try and make it to class this Saturday at 9am. It is gonna be a team WOD so it should be a lot of fun!! Also, don't forget to work on your costume for the costume WOD on Sunday October 30th! The whole family is invited so make sure and mark your calendars!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Friday 10-14-11 WOD

5 sets of...

shoulder press x 3
push press x 6
thruster x 9
200 m run

Increase your weight each set. Every time the bar hits the ground do 5 burpees.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thursday 10--13-11 WOD

For time...

Squat cleans
Box jumps

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Superhero WOD Sunday October 30th

Come and join us at the box at 6pm on Sunday October 30th for a crazy costume workout! Get dressed up and bring friends/family along with your favorite Paleo snack to share! Best dressed male and female will win a prize! The box will be closed Monday evening due to our little trick or treaters, so don't miss Sunday night!!

Wednesday 10-12-11 WOD

100 push ups
100 kb swings
100 sit ups

everytime you stop you run 200 m

Monday, October 10, 2011

Tuesday 10-11-11 WOD


400 m run
thrusters x 15
pull ups x 15

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Monday 10-10-11 WOD


400m run
wall ball x 30
box jumps x 30
superman x 30

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Friday 10-7-11 WOD

Let's finish off the work week strong!!

20 min AMRAP

200 m run
kb swings x 12
pull ups x 10

Great job this morning athletes! Must give a big high five to Rhonda in the early bird class! She did all her pull ups without assistance! Way to go Rhonda!! Keep up the good work guys and have a great weekend! Don't forget there is a class at 9 am tomorrow (Saturday)!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thursday 10-6-11 WOD


burpee x 5
back squat x 10
box jump x 15
double under x 20

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wednesday 10-5-11 WOD


deadlift x 15
hang power clean x 12
front squat x 9
push jerk x 6

For review, here is the push jerk broken down into steps according to the Crossfit Journal.
The Push Jerk:
a. Set-up: The set-up is the same as for the shoulder press and push press.
b. Dip: The dip is identical to the push press
c. Drive: The drive is identical to the push press
d. Press and Dip: This time instead of just pressing, you press and dip a second time simultaneously, catching the bar in a partial squat with the arms fully extended overhead.
e. Finish: Stand or squat to fully erect with bar directly overhead identical to terminal position in push press and shoulder press.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Tuesday 10-4-11 WOD


800 m run
30 wall ball
30 walkout push ups

Monday 10-3-11 WOD

For time...


kb swings x 2
hand release push ups
sit ups x 2

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Monday 10-3-11

Don't forget that the early bird 5:30 am class has been moved to 5:15 am!! Class will start at 5:15 so make sure you get there with enough time to stretch!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Friday 9-30-11 WOD

For time...

40 air squats
400m run
20 push press
10 burpees
800m run
10 burpees
20 push press
400m run
40 air squats

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thursday 9-29-11 WOD


30 wall balls
6 clean and jerks

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wednesday 9-28-11 WOD

It's time for some CrossFit baseball!!

1st base- 10 front squats
2nd base- 20 snatches (10 each arm)
3rd base- 30 kb swings
Home - 5 burpees

Lunge in between bases. Whoever scores the most runs in 20 minutes gets...a big high five:)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tuesday 9-27-11 WOD


135 # squat clean x 7
15 HSPU (handstand push-ups)
20 sit ups

This is what Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit Inc., says about the handstand push-up.

"The handstand push-up is a challenging exercise that, when freed from the wall, becomes an extraordinary feat of strength and balance that has no peer in weightlifting movements. At the moment of performing twenty handstand push-ups without benefit of the wall, the athlete has achieved a level of strength and balance that not one in a hundred thousand gym goers will ever realize. The integration of strength and balance gives the handstand push-up, even though limited to bodyweight, an athletic edge that brings this movement to at least peer status with even the heaviest of presses – whether bench, overhead, or jerk. Twenty handstand push-ups in the middle of the room or on parallel bars, again without the wall, confers, automatically, a single-rep military press of perhaps 150% bodyweight, whereas a 150% bodyweight single-rep military press suggests little or nothing about an athlete’s balance."

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday 9-26-11 WOD

The "Frog" Complex

power clean
front squat
push press
back squat
push press

Complete 7 sets per round for 5 rounds. You can't put the bar down during the set. If you do then you run 200 m. That's it!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday 9-24-11 WOD

30 clean and jerks for time

double unders
sit ups

We had a great morning at the box! The athelets did awesome and everyone really pushed themselves! Travis, Keri, Josh, Brandon and Carly, you guys did great! We are so glad to have you all as part of the HCCF family!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Friday 9-23-11 WOD

For time...
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 SDHP
3-6-9-12-15-18-21 box jumps

There will be a buy in for this WOD. Can you guess what it is?? Let's just say it will get your legs nice and warmed up for the WOD! See you at the box!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thursday 9-22-11 WOD


800 m run
21 kb swings
21 thusters
21 pull ups

Don't forget that nutrition is a huge part of crossfit! You will see better results from the wod's if you eat healthy!
According to the CrossFit Journal, the CrossFit dietary prescription is as follows:
Protein should be lean and varied and account for about 30% of your total caloric load.

Carbohydrates should be predominantly low-glycemic and account for about 40% of your total caloric load.

Fat should be predominantly monounsaturated and account for about 30% of your total caloric load.

Calories should be set at between .7 and 1.0 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass depending on your activity level. The .7 figure is for moderate daily workout loads and the 1.0 figure is for the hardcore athlete.

In plain language, base your diet on garden vegetables, especially greens, lean meats, nuts and seeds, little starch, and no sugar. That's about as simple as we can get.

If you have any questions about how to get started see one of the coaches! It's not a's a lifestyle!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wednesday 9-20-11 WOD


400 m run
15 burpees
20 squat jumps

Monday, September 19, 2011

Tuesday 9-20-11 WOD

20 minute AMRAP

Curtis P's x 5 (105#)
pull ups x 10

If you don't know what a Curtis P is you can see a demo online on YouTube! Or you can come to the box tomorrow and see for yourself!!

Monday 9-19-11 WOD

Great way to start off the work week!!

For Time...

600 m run

10 pull ups
20 push ups
30 sit ups

400 m run

15 pull ups
25 push ups
35 sit ups

200 m run

20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Friday 9-15-11 WOD

Let's finish this work week off strong with a little Tabata!

box jumps
wall ball
turkish get ups

Don't forget, there are NO classes this Saturday! Come and support our team as they compete in Fight Gone Bad! See coach Brent for details!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thursday 9-15-11 WOD


40 DU's (double unders)
30 box jumps
20 kb swings

Watch out for Claire in the early bird class...she has a fancy new jump rope!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wednesday 9-14-11 WOD

400 m run
21 OHS (overhead squats)
21 burpees
400 m run
15 OHS
15 burpees
400 m run
9 burpees
400 m run

The overhead squats will be done with a PVC pipe.

Here is what Greg Glassman says about the overhead squat in the CrossFit Journal

"The overhead squat is the ultimate core exercise, the heart of the snatch, and peerless in developing effective athletic movement. This functional gem trains for efficient transfer of energy from large to small body parts - the essence of sport movement. For this reason it is an indispensable tool for developing speed and power. The overhead squat also demands and develops functional flexibility, and similarly develops the squat by amplifying and cruelly punishing faults in squat posture, movement, and stability."
Pretty cool!


Fight Gone Bad 6 is almost here if you have not recieved your heat or time ask brent. We are still looking for volunteers to help out, if you are interested in helping out a little, talk to brent.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Tuesday 9-13-11 WOD

For time...

800 m run


dead lift (185#)

If your legs are sore from Monday's workout (which mine are) be sure to stretch and drink plenty of water! Keep moving! The less you work your muscles the more your legs will hurt! And...if you don't know what a manmaker'll just have to come and find out for yourself!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Monday 9-12-11 WOD


20 medicine ball cleans
100 ft lunges
kb snatch x 10 each arm

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friday 9-9-11 WOD

Get ready for some Friday Fun!

25 minute AMRAP with a partner

Sandbag 400 m run
45 lb thrusters x 20
box jumps x 20

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thursday 9-8-11 WOD

For time...
Power clean x 15
30 dips
power clean x 12
24 dips
power clean x 9
18 dips
power clean x 6
12 dips
power clean x 3
6 dips

Remember...the power clean consists of 2 pulls.
1st Pull...Pull the barbell from the floor to your knees. The 1st pull is similar to a Deadlift and is a slow movement.
2nd Pull... Pull the barbell from your mid-thighs to your shoulders by extending your hips. The 2nd pull is an explosive movement
Benefits of a power clean...
Power Development- You achieve higher speeds faster. More power and more speed means more strength.
Muscle Development- Power Cleans work your posterior chain hard: calves, hamstrings, glutes & lower back but also upper-back & traps.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Wednesday 09-07-11 - WOD

For time...

a)10 rounds of 100 m sprints with 15 second rest in between rounds

b) 30-20-10
Wall ball
Walkout push ups

That's it!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday 09-02-11

Just a reminder! There will be no classes on Monday September 5th. We will be celebrating Labor Day!! I appreciated everyones patience as I was moving this past week and not on the blog. Things will get back to normal come Tuesday. Enjoy your three day weekend.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Time is drawing closer!

I really like the response on the FGB 6 sign up. Y'all are going to have a great time and really see some awesome athletes.

Just to remind y'all, I need to have your waivers and registration fee by Saturday..
The reason for this is so the organizers can make up the rosters for the heats and order the t-shirts..

So please get those two things into me or give them to one of the coaches..

Thanks, Ken

On another note, Coach Megan has been working very hard on putting the nutritian challenge together. She has done a great job and we will be starting very soon. There will be some good prizes, so stay tooned!

Thanks Megan!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Thursday - 8.25.11 - WOD


HANG CLEANS x 7 (115/75)
PUSH PRESS x 14 (115/75)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wednesday- 08.24.11 - WOD


400M RUN
KB x 21 (55/35)

Monday, August 22, 2011

TUesday- 08.23.11- WOD


Monday - 08.22.11 - WOD



Thursday, August 18, 2011

Friday- 08.19.11 - WOD


(Multiply jumps by 3 if doing singles)


Thursday - 8.18.11 - WOD


WALL BALL x 21 (21/10)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wednesday- 08.17.11 - WOD

20min AMRAP

Push up x 21
SDHP x12 (75/45)
200m Row - (Wall sits if waiting)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Tuesday- 08.16.11- WOD


400m Run
KB x 21 (55#/35#)
KB Goblet Squat x 12 (55#/35#)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Friday- 08.12.11 - WOD

12min AMRAP

Power Clean x 5 (135#/95)
200m Run

1x1x1x1x1 - To 1 Rep Max Power Clean

Check it out

If your interested:

On Saturday August 13th at 10:30am, Lulelemon and River City CrossFit are hosting a free WOD at the Quarry. The WOD is open to who ever would like to go..It would be a great opportunity to meet athletes from other boxes. It is definitely going to be a sweat if your going to do it, drink up! (water that is)..

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thursday 08-11-2011


400m run

20 push ups

40 air squats

There is a buy in, Only one way to find out what it is and I ain't saying..

todays pics


Hey everyone,

I just want to remind y'all about Fight Gone Bad 6 on September 17th. The flyer is up in the box. There is a sign up sheet and a waiver to fill out. It is a great event for an even better cause. Even if you dont want to compete at the RX'd level, there will be a scaled level. Even if you don't want to do the WOD, it would be great for y'all to come out and support the athletes going through or volunteer. The t-shirts are going to be awesome..I can extend the deadline a little bit longer, but the organizers are going to need a list of those athletes that are participating so a heat list can be drawn up..We are looking at about 200 athletes participating..So if your interested, talk to your trainer about how to sign up..


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wednesday- 08.10.11 - WOD

20min AMRAP

200m Row
Press x 7 (75#/55#)
Box Jumps x 15

Looks like good practice for FIGHT GONE BAD....GET READY

Monday, August 8, 2011



15 walkouts

10 SDHP 75/55

20 walking lunges each leg


I have a meeting today at 1:30 pm to finalize the FGB6 event on September 17, in San Antonio. I will have the location, times, deadlines, shirt info, flyer and prices. Just put that date on your calender. Even if you dont do FGB6, you can still come out and cheer your fellow athletes on during the wod.

Update, the FGB6 is going to be at 410 and Blanco in the parking lot of the Alamo Draft House. It will be on Sept. 17..the demo WOD is taking place at 7:45 am and the first heat will run at 8:00 am. New Balance will be providing the prizes for the RX'd workout. There will be other venders at the event. The T-shirt for the event is cool.

I have posted a flyer explaining the event at the box, so check it out sign up. I will print out waivers to sign and they will be at the box. Remember this is a huge fundraising event for the Wounded Warrior Program. It is your chance to contribute and participate in a great event.


Monday 8-8-11

3 mile run


5000m row

25 min time limit on both

Friday, August 5, 2011



5 pullups

10 pushups

15 air square

I will post pics soon

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hot weather

I guess y'all have noticed how hot it is. So I was wondering if anyone has a frig they would be to possibly give away:) or sell to the box. I think having some cold water would be great. If so contact coach Ken. Subzero, Viking whatever. (joke). Thanks!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Thursday 8-4-11

3 rounds for time (rft)

800m run

20 push press. 115/75

Exercising barefoot-checkout this article..

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wednesday 08-03-11

20 min amrap

5 pull ups

10 Kettle Bell Swings 55/35

200m run

Monday, August 1, 2011

Tuesday 08-2-11


400m run

10 ring dips

25 air squats

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Monday 7-31-11

There is a new sheriff in town this month, so strap your boots.

12 min amrap

5 deadlifts RX'd Men 135 Women 95
10 push ups
15 k2c (knees to chest)

then pair up,

5x5 deadlifts work up to one rep max..

So when you get to the box warm up and start setting up for your deadlifts..

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Friday- 07.29.11 - WOD


SIT-UPS x 15

Fight Gone Bad 6 (FGB6)

Hey everyone,

I want to let you know that FBG6 is coming up. We are going to be participating with about 11 other boxes in San Antonio. We had our first meeting on the 26th to start the ball rolling. I can give you some of the details now. It will be held on September 17th. It is a competion, but also alot of fun. It is a great opportunity to meet athletes from other boxes. There will be food and drink at the event. The main purpose for FBG6 is to support the Wounded Warrior Project, Live Strong, and the CrossFit Foundation. The entry fee will get you a FGB6 t-shirt and will be your donation to the cause. Put the date on your calender and I will have more info to come. We will meet again on August 8th. If you want to know more, Carol Carew, Julie and Rob Schaffer, and Coach Brent participated in the event last year.
Just so you know, there will be a scaled version and the RX'd version of the workout. I will have more details..Think about!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thursday - 7.28.11 - WOD


200M RUN

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wednesday- 07.27.11 - WOD


400M RUN

Monday, July 25, 2011

Tuesday- 07.26.11- WOD


200M RUN

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Monday - 07.25.11 - WOD



Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday 7-22-11

20 min amrap

20. K2C. (knees to chest)
10. Deadlifts. Rx m 225. w 135
20. Lunge steps

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Thursday - 7.21.11 - WOD


200M RUN

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wednesday- 07.20.11 - WOD



400M RUN

Tuesday- 07.19.11- WOD



Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Friday- 07.15.11 - WOD


PULL-UP x 15
200M RUN
BACK EXT. x 20

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thursday - 7.14.11 - WOD

10 RFT

CURTIS P x 5 (115#)

Try Link for youtube video on Curtis P if it doesn't work search Seal Fit Curtis P on youtube.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wednesday- 07.12.11 - WOD


200M RUN
POWER CLEAN x 20 (115#)
FRONT SQUAT x 20 (115#)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Tuesday- 07.12.11- WOD

6 Stations x 6 Minutes

Row - 6min
Wall Balls over Pull-up Bar x 10
Push-ups x 12
KB Swings x 8
KB Front Squat x 12

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Monday - 07.11.11 - WOD

20min AMRAP

4 Burpees
8 Pull-ups
16 SDHP (55#)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Friday- 07.8.11 - WOD

400m Run
100 Push-ups
50 Lunges
400m Run
100 Sit-ups
100 Air Squats
400m Run

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Dead Lift (225#)
Box Jump (24")
Dead Hang Pull-ups (NO KIPPING)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wednesday- 07.06.11 - WOD


Box Jumps
Suicide Run
Hollow Rocks

Tuesday- 07.05.11- WOD


Hand Release Push-ups x 30
Kettle Bell Swing x 30
800m Run

Friday, July 1, 2011

July 4th

The box will be closed July 4th. Everyone have fun on Sunday and Monday. Stay safe and watch your diet. Schedule will be posted this weekend. Ken

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Friday- 07.1.11 - WOD


400M RUN


20 min amrap

5 thrusters RX'd men 95 lb, women 65 lb
7 hanging power cleans
10 sumo deadlift high pulls


20 Burpees
30 K2E
40 Box jumps
50 Dips
60 pullups
70 push ups
80 sit ups
90 air squats
100 double unders

Beginner 15 reps each
L1-@ K2E, 30 reps for the rest
L2-@Dips, 50 reps for the rest

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday WOD

5 rft

20 back squats RX'd Men 135, Women 95

12 walkouts

10 sit ups

Great job this morning..remember on the squats you need to go past parallel and the push ups you need to put chest to floor. If you are unable to do these then the weight is too much on the squat and you should be on your knees doing the push up. We are looking for full range of motion. Also, these are high intensity workouts.. If you have to stop to longer than a few seconds during the workout you need to adjust your weight..

Monday, June 27, 2011

0530, 0600, 0700 classes

Great work this morning on todays WOD. That was a tough one and y'all did a great job pushing through it. I would like to send out a welcome to Laura Anderson and Bridget Ross. They came into the 0600 this morning. It was also very nice to meet Bailey, hope to see you at the box again.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Monday - 06.27.11 - WOD


Squat Clean x 30 (95#)
Pull-ups x 30
800m Run

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Thursday - 6.23.11 - WOD


500m Row
135# Power Clean x 12
95# Thruster x 15

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wednesday- 06.22.11 - WOD

For Time:

Dead Lift x 15 (225#)
Push up x 50
Dead Lift x 12
Push up x 40
Dead Lift x 9
Push up x 30
Dead Lift x 6
Push up x 20
Dead Lift x 3
Push up x 10

Monday, June 20, 2011

Tuesday- 06.21.11- WOD


Snatch x 3 (95#)
Over Head Squat x 15 (95#)
400m Run

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Monday - 06.20.11 - WOD

For Time:

50 Pullups
400m Run
21 Thrusters (95#)
800m Run
21 Thrusters (95#)
400m Run
50 Pullups

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Friday- 06.17.11 - WOD


Power Cleans (95#)
Back Extensions

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wednesday- 06.15.11 - WOD

For Time:

50 Wallballs
50 Pull-ups
35 Wallballs
35 Pull-ups
20 Wallballs
20 Pull-ups

Monday, June 13, 2011

Tuesday- 06.14.11- WOD

20min AMRAP

Hang Clean x 15 (115#)
Ring Dips x 12
Situps x 21

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Friday - 06.10.11 - WOD


-hollow rocks
-dead lift
-push ups

A very cool blog to read..

One of my friends that I work with at the police station downtown introduced CrossFit to his wife. She decided to blog about her experience with the program. She is a great writer as you will see upon reading the entries.
Check out her blog:

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thursday - 6.09.11 - WOD

Shoulder Press
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

KB Swing
Box Jumps

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

Tuesday - 06.07.11 - WOD


Squat Snatch- 95#
Chest to Bar Pullup

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Friday- 06.03.11 - WOD

20 min AMRAP

Box Jump x 30
Push Press x 20
Pull Ups X 30

Tonights party

If you need help finding or getting into the subdivision for the party just call Laura @ 210-372-3192 or Ken @ 210-473-4882..

See y'all there..

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thursday - 6.02.11 - WOD


12- DEAD LIFT (155#)
6- PUSH JERK (155#)


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wednesday- 06.01.11 - WOD

100' Walking Lunge
21 pull ups/ situps
100' Walking Lunge
18 pull ups/ situps
100' Walking Lunge
15 pull ups/ situps
100' Walking Lunge
12 pull ups/ situps
100' Walking Lunge
9 pull ups/ situps
100' Walking Lunge
6 pull ups/ situps
100' Walking Lunge
3 pull ups/ situps

Dont forget to plan ahead for the party Thursday.

Saying Good Bye to a Long Time Athlete at the Box

If y'all don't already know, Rob Neal will be leaving us to pursue other endeavors in the Northern Territories.. That is he is changing jobs and moving to the Pan Handle. It is a happy day for Rob and his family, they will be moving closer to family, which is great. But a sad day for the box, because he is leaving his crossfit family.

I can tell you that when Rob first showed up and did his first WOD it was really, really challenging for him. He will be happy to tell you about it. He realized what he needed to do and today he is kicking these WODs *$%! all over the place. He will find another box up there, hit it hard and do us proud.

We are having a going away party at the Stone Creek Clubhouse on June 2nd starting at 5:00 pm. Coach Laura has been putting it together and much thanks to her for doing so.If you have any questions about how to get there or what to bring, ask any of the coaches and they will get you an answer.

If you have anything you would like to add, please do in the comments section. I know we would all like to read them..

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Murph

Happy Memorial Day

Give Thanks to the Troops

Murph was a big hit... Next year we will strapping on the vest.

Tuesday- 05.31.11- WOD


Squats, pushups, sprints, mountain climbers.

Friday, May 27, 2011

May 30th Memorial Day

Just wanted to let y'all know that the only classes we will have on Memorial Day are the 8 am and 9 am, they wod is Murph..

So there will be no 5:30, 6:00, 7:00, 10:00 or 6:30..

Coach Ken

T-Shirt Design Contest

Please vote for which t-shirt design wins the contest. Sign your name to the one you like.



Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thursday- 5.26.11 - WOD


10 Snatches (75#)
15 Push ups

1-mile run
100-pull up
200-push up
300-air squat
1-mile run
--All for Time--
This one is for the troops. (Warrior WOD)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wednesday- 05.25.11 - WOD


Bar Facing Burpees
Front Squat - 95#


Any one interested in doing the wod "MURPH" go to and register. Murph will start monday the 30th at 9am. Text or email brent if you are going to sign up.

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005

The Workout:

* 1 mile Run

* 100 Pull-ups

* 200 Push-ups

* 300 Squats

* 1 mile Run

For time: Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

Bday Burpees

Coach Ken doing his B-day burpees witnessed by Laura, Lauren, Chach and Aaron.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Tuesday- 05.24.11- WOD

Clean and Jerk on the Minute (135#)
(1 min.= 1 rep: 2 min= 2 rep: 3 min= 3 rep....... until you run out of time to complete required reps)

Remember to warm-up... moving thru the movement with little to no weight.

Birthday Burpees

If you get a chance let Ken know he owes us burpees today!!!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Monday- 05.23.11 -- WOD

2 RFT (Rounds For Time)
100' Walking Lunge
21 KB Swings
21 Pull up
21 Burpees
21 Ball Slams

Great WOD to Start the Week.

Ask any of the coaches about The Memorial Day Murph.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday WOD

21 reps body weight dead lift
400m run
21 reps knees to elbows
18 DL
18 K2E
15 DL
15 K2E
12 DL
12 K2E

Scale weight for deadlift(DL), scale knees to elbows (K2E) w/knees to chest.

Nice work everyone, I like the intensity..

Thursday, May 19, 2011



500 m row
30 OHS. (overhead squats)
21 pushups. (hands off floor at bottom)

Remember, to have a solid OHS you need to have a solid air squat. If your air squat is not solid then you have to go light on the weight. This is a midline stabilization exercise.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011



400m run
15 thrusters M 95 lb, W 55 lb
15 pull ups

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


7. Rounds for time

10 push press
10. Box jumps
10. Hollow rocks

Remember these are high intensity workouts. The push press is a quick movement. You have to dip/drive violently with those hips. There is no pause at the bottom of the dip. Hollow rocks, your hands and feet should only be a 1 foot off the floor. Not over your head!:)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday the 16th Wod


800m run
75 squats
50 sit ups

Monday the 16th Wod


800m run
75 squats
50 sit ups


For those that missed it, Saturday we did FGB "Fight Gone Bad". We had Josh, Mike Yost, Karen and Elaine. You guys did a great job. That is such a good workout. It has just the right amount of exercises to kick your butt..

Karen, Elaine and Mike, it was nice to meet y'all. I like the effort and drive to compete that y'all showed. With better form, your speed during these workouts will increase.

Please keep Susan in mind as she is in here recovery from a terrible vehicle accident. Susan we need you back in the box as soon as your able. There is a jump box with your name on it..

Last but not least, Y'all give a big shout out to Chach and Aaron.. They attended their Level 1 instructors class at Alamo CrossFit this last weekend. Yes, they passed with flying colors..So will will be seeing them leading a class or two very soon.

Friday, May 13, 2011

One Less 5K/3K Walk Run

Don't forget tomorrow morning at 9am the one less 5k will be going on in joshua springs in comfort.

Friday the 13th Wod

20 min AMRAP

10 Hang Squat Cleans
200m run

Thursday the 12th Wod


100' walking lunge
max set of pull ups
20 push ups

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wednesday the 11th Wod


800m run
20 toes to bar
21 Bodyweight Deadlifts



15 pass through
20 box jumps
400m run

Nice workout this morning. I think Brent was feeling sorry for y'all after yesterdays workout, so he gave y'all a little break today. But you know what that means! He will probably make it up tomorrow..


20 min AMRAP

5 chest to bar pullups
10 wallball Men 20lb, Women 10lb
15 Kettlebell Swings Men 53 lb, Women 35 lb

Y'all did an excellent job on this one. The weather is going to start getting hotter, but not as hot as it was in the old box. So make sure you are bringing water and drinking water throughout the day.

I do want to let y'all know that I heard Susan walked a little bit yesterday. That is great news. If y'all know Susan, y'all know that this will not keep her down.

We are all thinking about you Susan..

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday Morning


100 pull ups
100 sit ups
100 push ups
100 air squats

You must complete one exercise before moving to the next one.

Great work today: Billy, Stephanie, Josh, Donniece and Naomi..Here is a picture showing just how tough it was..

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thursday 5th Wod


Back Squat bodyweight x 20
800m run

Wednesday 4th Wod


PP x 15 135#- 75#
Box Jumps x 20

Tuesday the 3rd Wod

20 min AMRAP

7 du's
7 pull ups
7 push ups

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mondays WOD

5 rounds for time (RFT)

5 thrusters M 135 lb, W 95 lb
400m run

Y'all did a great job today.. Just remember to concentrate on your form especially when the weight gets heavy. Good form will get you through the exercise. I notice a lot of people still dropping their elbows and leaning forward when doing thrusters. Remember you want to place the bar on a shelf created by your shoulders. This can only be done by keeping your elbows high, don't let them drop. This allows you to use your hips to drive the bar up and finish the movement with your arms. If you don't rest the bar on that shelf, then you cant get the power from your hips to drive the bar up. All the power that comes from a thruster is generated by your hips, not your arms. Creating that shelf is difficult at first, but as soon as you realize how well this works it becomes easier.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Saturday the 30th Wod


1000m Row
45# Thrusters x 50
Pull Ups x 30

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Friday the 29th Wod


95# SDHP x 20
15 Burpees
20 Box Jumps
95 Push Press x 15


3 rft (rounds for time)

400m run
15 pull ups
50 air squats
15 pull ups

At least the weather is nice, right!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011



20 - 15 - 10 - 5

Thrusters M 95 lbs, W 65 lbs
400m run

do 20 thrusters, run 400m etc...

Tuesdays WOD



Monday, April 25, 2011

New Coaches

Congrats go out to our very own Meg and Laura for completing and passing their CrossFit Level 1 coaching cert. They will be around the box helping out and teaching classes.

Monday the 25th Wod

30sec plank hold
30sec chin above bar hold
30sec air squat hold

must complete 30 sec of said exercise before moving onto the next one.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday the 22nd Wod

3 rounds

1min push ups
1min squats
1min pull ups
1min sit ups

first round will be posted on the leaderboard.

Thursday the 21st Wod


100' walking lunge
30 Box Jumps

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday WOD


30 KB Swings
25 Wall Balls
20 Pull ups

Great work today from both the 6 & 7 am classes. The humidity is really up and so is the temp. So make sure you are drinking enough water and bringing water to the box for your workout.

Mitch thanks for bringing an out of town guest. Lara you did awesome today, hope you can take some of that back to PA and put it into your workout.

You have until the end of April to submit your t-shirt design..We have two members that have submitted work. Both have great ideas..At the end of the month we will put the designs out for display. There will be a voting sheet on the counter and each member will vote on their favorite design.

And remember today is a special day, your beloved trainer "BRENT" is celebrating his birthday today. So make sure you let him know that you know..

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tuesday 19th Wod


Thrusters 65#

Monday 18th Wod

6 Min each

A) 7 push ups
12 wallballs over the pull ups bar.

B) Row for calories

C) find your one rep back squat

We had some huge PR's today to name a few Chach added 10#, Laura added 25#, Meg added 50# those are huge numbers it takes a lot of people years to add 10,25,50# to there one rep max awesome job guys and keep it up.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


The hardest thing about eating paleo/zone is, you are not able to order that tasty Chinese food for takeout. We all thought that we were eating healthy because of the veggies right? What we did not know is we were taking in so much sodium into our body with MSG’s (monosodium glutamate) and the fact the carbs in Chinese such as rice and noodles break down so fast in your body that you feel hungry sooner. We have come up with a recipe for you to curb that Chinese takeout urge.

9oz of rib eye steak, thinly sliced
2 cloves of garlic chopped
1 1/3cup of sliced onion
4cups of spinach
2 1/2cup of sliced bell pepper
1 1/3cup of chopped zucchini
3 cups of chopped mushroom
1can of chestnuts
2cups of spaghetti squash
1Tbs of chili garlic sauce
3Tbs of Tamari
1tsp of ground ginger
1Tbs of Coconut oil

Pre-heat the oven to 425 degrees F. Cut the spaghetti squash in half and core out the seeds. Fill the empty squash with water and cook for 45 minutes.

While the squash is cooking, place the coconut oil in the pan and heat on medium heat. Add the rib eye steak to the pan and sear on both sides for a minute. Remove the meat and then add, garlic sauce, and all the veggies except for the spaghetti squash into the pan and saute for 5 to 7 minutes. Add the beef and cook for another 5 minutes, then set aside.

When the squash is done cooking, let cool and scrape out the spaghetti goodness. Mix in the squash in with the mix. Warm up all of the ingredients and enjoy!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday 15th Wod


clean and jerk
kb swings

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Thursday WOD

10 RFT

150m run
7 pull ups
7 front squats
7 box jumps

You guys nailed it. Y'all have to give yourselves a lot of credit. The effort and energy that is put out there by y'all is tremendous. They only people that truely know how much it takes to do these wods are the athletes themselves. I need to shut up, because I am about to go Tom Brady on ya and start crying..Ken

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Groupon Boot Camp

If you bought the groupon please check out for more info thanks.

Wednesday the 13th Wod

3 tire drags to start


L arm kb snatch
R arm kb snatch
pull ups.

big congrats to courtney and laura for doing all pull ups rx'd.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tuesday 12th Wod

Amrap 20 min.

115# Push press x 10
Kb swings x 10
Box Jumps x 10

6 & 7 am class

Great classes this morning. I really liked the effort and the drive to finish. The deadlifts are an awesome strength movement and when you combine those with the endurance of 150 strict push ups you have a hard exercise to complete. The good thing is that everyone completed it, and also learned what they need to work on..

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Monday the 11th Wod

10 RFT

135# deadlift x 15
push ups x 15

Saturday the 10th Wod



400m run
30 wallballs
30 box jumps

good job guys this was alot mental, awesome job pushing through the suck factor.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Friday the 8th Wod


250m row
Front Squat x 10
Sit Ups x 15
Box Jumps x 20


Thursday the 7th Wod


800m run
15 pull ups
50 push ups

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Shirts, hats and tanks are in 20 dollars each.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tuesday the 5th Wod

5 min - Box Jumps
4 min - Sit ups
3 min - Squats
2 min - Push ups
1 min - Pull ups

Keep a running total score will be amount of reps.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Monday 4th Wod


100' walking lunge
50 squats
25 back ext.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Shirt Design Competition

We are having a shirt design competition, it's simple. Design a shirt what ever you want on it,can be a saying a picture anything. Only criteria is that you have our logo on it somewhere. Winner will get there shirt made and recieve a free one. Bring in your submission on paper and the members will vote for the winner. So what are you waiting for. 3-2-1 GO!

Friday the 1st Wod


Pull Ups
Box Jumps

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thursday 31st Wod


Laterall Box Jumps

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wednesday the 30th Wod


Push Ups
Pull Ups

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tuesday 29th Wod


15 Kb swings
15 hang power cleans rx'd 95#
15 box jumps

hill country crossfit from hillcountrycrossfit on Vimeo.

Monday WOD

10 RFT (rounds for time)

Push Press x 10 rx'd male 135# female 95#
100m sprint

Saturday, March 26, 2011

orders in by 530pm on monday, food will be delivered wed at 10am class. be prepared to come pick up.

Soup of the Week: Roasted Chicken with Wild Mushrooms and Spinach ($12/32 ounces)

Chicken Salad w/grapes ($12/2lb)
Spicy Beef Pinwheels, stuffed, wrapped w/bacon and baked..($15/lb)
**Chicken Roulade stuffed with mushrooms and spices, wrapped in prosciutto, baked and sliced ($14/lb)
**Seasoned Turkey Meatballs w/pecans and spinach...($14/lb)
**Egg Squares..eggs w/spinach and green onions, baked and cut into one egg portions...($12/dozen) or ($6/6)

**Raspberry Filled Chocolate OMG! Cookies ($9/dozen)
**Pecan Paleo Cookies ($9/dozen)
Chocolate/Coconut OMG! Cookies ($8/dozen)
Almond/Honey OMG! Cookies ($8/dozen)
Chocolate Fudge ($12/dozen)

Muffins $8/dozen
Strawberry/Orange Muffins
Apple/Cinnamon Muffins
Blueberry Muffins
**Blackberry Muffins
Banana Muffins
**Banana/Strawberry Muffins
Chocolate/Almond Butter Muffins
**Chocolate/Coconut/Cranberry Muffins

Saturday WOD



500m row
12 Body weight dead lifts
21 Box jumps (men 24", Women 20")

Awesome job this morning. Y'all put up some great times. It is nice to see that the board is filling up with benchmarks and other info. Lisa and Chris, thanks for dropping in. Chach put up the best time: 11:38 (185 lb dl..his body weight is 172, 24 " box jump)..

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Friday 25th Wod


400m Run
30 Squats
15 Burpees

What you dont see

Laura is up to three sets of five kipping pull ups. Laura has been working hard after class getting he kip on..Rich has done a good job helping her..

Some pics from this morning

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


When y'all see Chris B. Let him know what you think..His time on FRAN today was:

4:42 RX'D

That is too cool.. Way to go C.B......I see sub 4 coming to the box...

Thursday the 24th Wod

3 rope climbs to start


25 Wallballs
100' KB Push Pull

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wednesday 23rd Wod


Box Jumps
Pull Ups

Pictures from Monday

I do have some video, but for some reason its not downloading right now..

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tuesday 22nd Wod

Thruster x 10
50 DU's or lateral jumps
Thruster x 8
40 DU or lateral jumps
Thruster x 6
30 DU or lateral jumps
Thruster x 4
20 DU or lateral jumps
Thruster x 2
10 DU or lateral jumps

Rxd male 135
Rxd female 75

Sunday, March 20, 2011


When you see Brent or Jen, give them props for going out Saturday and competing for the box and themselves. We are all looking forward to cheering y'all on to be the fittest on earth.

Monday 3-21-11 wod

5 rft

20x Kettle bell swings. M 53. W. 35
20x Sit ups
20x Back extensions
20x Knees 2 chest

History of the CrossFit games.

The Muddy Mayhem, San Antonio. Tx

The Muddy Mayhem, San Antonio. Tx

Saturday, April 23, 2011 @ 10:00 AM

San Antonio Tx
5428 Cacias Rd

Registration Closing Date:
Saturday, April 16, 2011 @ 11:59 PM

Brief Description
The Muddy Mayhem is most Insane 8K run San Antonio has ever seen! The course its self stretches over some of the most scenic ranch views in all of Texas. Get ready for A mud flying, obstacle conquering, race that will stretch your limits!

Additional Information
After Conquering the Mayhem, enjoy Free Beer, Live Entertainment, and Times never to be forgotten. Awards will be given out for each age group! All proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project, Support Your Troops!!!

copy and paste this link it will take you to registration.
Soup of the Week: Chicken with Vegetables ($12/32 ounces)

Chicken Salad w/grapes ($12/2lb)
Spicy Beef Pinwheels, stuffed, wrapped w/bacon and baked..($15/lb)
**Chicken Roulade stuffed with mushrooms and spices, wrapped in prosciutto, baked and sliced ($14/lb)
**Seasoned Turkey Meatballs w/pecans and spinach...($14/lb)
**Egg Squares..eggs w/spinach and green onions, baked and cut into one egg portions...($12/dozen) or ($6/6)

**Pecan Paleo Cookies ($9/dozen)
Chocolate/Coconut OMG! Cookies ($8/dozen)
Almond/Honey OMG! Cookies ($8/dozen)
Chocolate Fudge ($12/dozen)

Muffins $8/dozen
Strawberry/Orange Muffins
Apple/Cinnamon Muffins
Blueberry Muffins
**Blackberry Muffins
Banana Muffins
**Banana/Strawberry Muffins
Chocolate/Almond Butter Muffins
**Chocolate/Coconut/Cranberry Muffins

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Some Fran Video:

"FRAN" results:

I just want to say, great job everybody. For y'all that have done
Fran, your times went down and/or weights went up. For y'all who just met Fran today, this definitely gives y'all a goal to beat. I appreciate everyones helpthis morning:

Last Time: This Time:

Chris J: 75 lbs/ 8:08 RX'd/ 7:47
Suzanne : 25 lbs/Rings 8:27 35 lbs/Rings 7:26
Keri : 45 lbs/Blue Band 5:34 RX'd/ 7:31
Jillian : 25 lbs/Rings 6:54
Josh : 95 lbs/Med Gray 16:08
Braden : 45 lbs/Green 8:07
Craig : 65 lbs/L. Gray 7:42
Naomi : 46 lbs/S. Gray 8:27
Susan : 35 lbs/Green 7:16
Rich: 65 lbs/M. Gray 7:18
Sheryl: 35 lbs/Green 6:54
Elizabeth: 25 lbs/L. Gray 7:33
Megan: 55 lbs/Blue 10:55

As someone told me not long ago, Face your Fear. That is were gains are made!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Saturday Benchmark



Thrusters, pull ups

RX for men 95 lbs, RX for women 65 lbs


I think Sheryl was asking someone to give her strength..

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Friday the 18th Wod

Baseball with a Kettlebell

1st base 10 Front Squats with kb
2nd base 20 kb swings
3rd base 15 kb snatches each arm
Home 4 turkish get ups each arm

20 min game, kb push pulls between bases.

Thursday the 17th Wod

20 min amrap

100' weighted walking lunge m 45# w 25#
20 shoulder press 95#

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wednesday 16th Wod


2 min jumprope
15 strict pull ups

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tuesday the 15th Wod

The Bear Complex

7 Reps per round, 5 rounds. 30sec rest between rounds. You can only rest the barbell on your back or thighs if you drop it do 3 burpees. it should be touch and go when touching the ground. so 7 reps unbroken if you let go off bar 3 burpees. in this order clean, front squat, shoulder press, back squat, shoulder press that is one rep.

rx'd 135#

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Monday 14th Wod


Manmakers X 8

Every 5 min. 200m run

hill country crossfit from hillcountrycrossfit on Vimeo.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday WOD


150 WALL BALLS for time!
M=20 lb, W=10 lb

This is a benchmark for the white board..

Very good showing today for "KAREN". I could see the fear in some of y'alls eyes, but you faced it and kicked it out of the box. Y'all all did great work today. This kind of workout keeps the ordinary athletes out of the box and lets the CrossFit athletes bask in the sunshine of accomplishment. Yes you did and don't forget it..This workout and others like it also let us know we are on a journey to be in the best shape of our lives, and HCCF is going to help you get there...

Congrats to everyone today. If you missed today, don't worry because y'all can make it up this coming week. Have a great weekend...

Friday, March 11, 2011


Hill Country CrossFit athlete's the revolution is closer. We are the FITNESS MILITIA.

Friday the 11th Wod


5 GHD sit ups before you start.

400m run
15 kb swings
30 back ext.

hill country crossfit from hillcountrycrossfit on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thursdqay 10th Wod


500m Row
50 Wallballs

Hold the bottom position of a push up till a rower becomes available. No the bottom postion isn't laying on the floor.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wednesday the 9th Wod

5 RFT 25 min cap.

Hang squat clean x 21
Push ups x 21

RX'd 95#
push ups will be performed with a hand release at the bottom.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Tuesday the 8th Wod


15 DL 185#
12 Ring Dips
9 DU

If you can't do double unders sub them with tuck jumps.

Hill country crossfit from hillcountrycrossfit on Vimeo.

Chicken Salad w/grapes ($12/2lb)
Spicy Beef Pinwheels, stuffed, wrapped w/bacon and baked..($15/lb)
**Chicken Roulade stuffed with mushrooms and spices, wrapped in prosciutto, baked and sliced ($14/lb)
**Seasoned Turkey Meatballs w/pecans and spinach...($14/lb)
**Egg Squares..eggs w/spinach and green onions, baked and cut into one egg portions...($12/dozen) or ($6/6)

**Pecan Paleo Cookies ($9/dozen)
Chocolate/Coconut OMG! Cookies ($8/dozen)
Almond/Honey OMG! Cookies ($8/dozen)
Chocolate Fudge ($12/dozen)

Muffins $8/dozen
Strawberry/Orange Muffins
Apple/Cinnamon Muffins
Blueberry Muffins
**Blackberry Muffins
Banana Muffins
**Banana/Strawberry Muffins
Chocolate/Almond Butter Muffins
**Chocolate/Coconut/Cranberry Muffins

Monday the 7th Wod

Thruster X 15
400m Run
Thruster X 12
400m Run
Thruster X 9
400m Run
Thruster X 6
400m Run

RX'd male 115# female 65#

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Friday the 4th Wod

75 Front Squats

Weight to be used will be 75% of your 1 rep max Front Squat.
Everytime you drop the bar you have to run 200m.


Class is at:

9:00 am, 9:00 am, 9:00 am, 9:00 am, 9:00 am....

I repeat:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Class on Saturdays is now at:

9:00 am, 9:00 am, 9:00 am

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Thursday the 3rd Wod


100 ft. Broad Jump
21 Burpees
12 Sit Ups

The broad jump will be performed by having both feet beside eachother for both the jump and landing. Jump 50 feet turn around and come back.
We will be taking an order for foam rollers, anyone interested contact brent 210-279-6890 they will be 25 dollars a piece. They are definitely worth it.

Shoemart has Inov-8 shoes in stock. Just got them in, check them out they are a great CrossFit shoe. Sorry but they don't make the tire drag suck less.

Tire Drag

How about that tire drag? Did everybody like it? Y'all should be feeling that one. There were some questions last night about the WOD. Knees to Elbows was the recommended exercise on the bar, but as always these workouts are scaled. So there was some discrepancy in times. So, yes you will get through the WOD quicker doing a scaled version. The thought is that everyone eventually will get to the recommended exercise. Some quicker than others, but all will get there.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wednesday the 2nd Wod


500m Row
30 Box Jumps

65# male
35# female

New members

I want to take a minute to tell everyone that Brent and I are very happy to see the growth of new members at the box. This reflects just how much our athletes are enjoying CrossFit and its benefits. We both know it is a great program and y'all are showing it by spreading the word. We could not ask for a better group of athletes. Y'all are attentive, inquisitive and eager to push yourselves farther than y'all might have thought possible. To watch one of our athletes strive to learn a movement and succeed is an incredible feeling. I think about something that seems so simple, the air squat. It is a movement that seems easy, but as we all know it is a movement that takes work to perfect.

We have heard nothing but compliments regarding our athletes. Everyone that has come into the box has felt welcome. We all know it takes a huge amount of courage to walk through those doors, but then to participate and give it your all takes this courage to another level. CrossFit is here to stay and it is because of YOU! THE ATHLETES.


Hill Country CrossFit..

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tuesday the 1st Wod

Buy in: 3 Tire Drags 50m
Men 45#
Women 25#

KB swing
Knee's to Elbow

Early Birds & Morning Class

Nice work on the Tabata...I did do it a little different this morning having y'all do a running total. So the total reps and calories are on the glass. Just remember, max intensity is what we are shooting for..

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monday the 28th Wod


Plank Position
Pull Ups
Soup of the Week: Roasted Turkey and Leek...(32 ounces/12.00)

Chicken Salad w/grapes ($12/2lb)
Spicy Beef Pinwheels, stuffed, wrapped w/bacon and baked..($15/lb)
**Chicken Roulade stuffed with mushrooms and spices, wrapped in prosciutto, baked and sliced ($13/lb)
**Seasoned Turkey Meatballs w/pecans and spinach...($14/lb)
**Egg Squares..eggs w/spinach and green onions, baked and cut into one egg portions...($12/dozen) or ($6/6)

**Pecan Paleo Cookies ($9/dozen)
Chocolate/Coconut OMG! Cookies ($8/dozen)
Almond/Honey OMG! Cookies ($8/dozen)
Chocolate Fudge ($12/dozen)

Muffins $8/dozen
Strawberry/Orange Muffins
Apple/Cinnamon Muffins
Blueberry Muffins
**Blackberry Muffins
Banana Muffins
**Banana/Strawberry Muffins
Chocolate/Almond Butter Muffins
**Chocolate/Coconut/Cranberry Muffins

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Foam Rolling Class

Thanks to all who came out to the box this morning for the FOAM ROLLING CLASS. It was very informative. Big thanks to Miguel Atala, who is a certified Arrosti Therapist in Boerne, for coming out and helping us get through the pain. His office is with Dr. Vela off of main just past the Walgreens, 1201 S. Main St. #114. Miguel provided pamphlets with information and foam rollers to practice on. He even donated two foam rollers to the box.

Brent and I both believe this will benefit the Hill Country CrossFit Athletes. I know I felt better AFTERWARDS!! and I believe Miguel when he says it takes a few weeks to get past the hurt.

Saturday Morning WOD

I hope everyone enjoyed the card game this morning. Y'all did a great job!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Friday the 25th Wod


7 Burpees
14 Pull Ups
21 KB Swings

Thursday the 24th Wod

100 Double Unders or 300 Singles
10 Front Squats, 10 Back Squats
75 DU or 225 Singles
10 FS, 10 BS
50 DU or 150 Singles
10 FS, 10 BS
25 DU or 75 Singles
10 FS, 10 BS

RX'd 115#

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tuesday the 22nd Wod


5 Clean and Jerks
10 Pull ups
15 Wall Balls

135#= cleans,
20#= wallballs


Mark your calenders for this Saturday Feb 26, @ 9:30. The Arrosti Theropist is coming to the box. He will bring information regarding the type of treatments that he performs. He will also bring some foam rollers and show us how to use these rollers to stretch and work out soreness. Brent and I both feel this is a great opportunity for the members of the box. We all know about being sore, but we all don't know how to handle it. So if you have a foam roll, bring it and lets get ready to ROLL!.

Monday 2-21-11

Please remember that there will not be a 6 or 7 am class tomorrow(Feb 22). I will be at the Police Academy for training. I will be back in time for the evening classes. Thanks, Ken.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Monday the 21st Wod


Clapping push ups
Ring dips
Box jumps

Every minute on the minute 3 burpees.

hill country crossfit from hillcountrycrossfit on Vimeo.

Anyone recognize the last picture?